Friday, October 30, 2015

Erster Schultag und letzte Sommertage

Summer is coming to the end.  That means

  • Open House at school and meeting the teachers
  • First day of school
  • Fußball
  • Last days to run around in t-shirt

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Black Walnut

For future reference:

Playing with walnuts gets your hand black.  For a while.  About a week.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Summer in Massachusetts

We tried to escape our bizarre summer 2015 in Washington DC: First the second wettest June since the Potato War and then the typical DC HHH - hazy, hot and humid.

So we ventured all five of us up to Grandpa's a week after Max' birthday.

Papa went back to Washington two days later to get some work done.  Two weeks later he flew back up and we spent a week at the beach house.  We had a lot of ice cream and fun treats at Grandpa's.

2015 07 July and August in Massachusetts

Max 6

Max is six!

2015 07 Max Six

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Oh hot summer days

Summer just started and we are just warning up

Monday, June 8, 2015


It's over.  Anna-Lena turned 1 this past Saturday.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Lieber Arm dran als Arm ab aka Open Reduction Internal Fixation Right Lateral Condyle Fracture

On January 22, 2015 Max had the - so far - longest day of his life.  At drop at 8:50 he ran over to his friends at ESSE, slipped on water, landed on his knee and an ordeal began: nurse at school, pediatrician, x-ray, orthopedic surgeon 1, orthopedic surgeon 2 until it was clear by 5 pm that he will need to have surgery.

Here are 5 weeks in pictures, starting with the weekend before said January 22.

From 2015 03 Arm dran