Etzedle, so langsam sind wir schon an die hiesigen Zeiten gewöhnt - sechs Stunden der Ostküschte voraus. Emily hat sich auch hervorrageng angepasst. Die erste Nacht war noch ein wenig durcheinander, aber seitdem ist sie - toi toi toi - wieder in ihrem normalen Rhythmus. A propos Zeit: Unser KLM Cityhopper Flug wurde angekuendigt, dass er "etwa eine Stunde und zwei Minuten" dauern würde - es waren dann 58 Minuten, was meiner Meinung nach schon außerhalb des Messfehlers wäre.
Heute war miss Emily das erste mal (1) in einer Stadtbahn, und (b) im Hauptstädtle.
Übrigens kann man Kommentare abgeben, einfach auf Comments klicken und loslegen. Emily beantwortet auch täglich Fragen.
Alors, all three of us are almost completely adjusted to the new time zone here: six hours ahead of East Coast Time - and even Emily found her rhythm - knock on wood. BTW time: Dutch precision failed us. When we departed Amsterdam, the flight deck announced that the trip will be about one hour and two minutes. It turned out to be 58 minutes.
Today, Emily had two firsts: First time in a Stadtbahn (aka the cleanest metro in the world) and first time in the cleanest capital of the world: St. Uttgart.
BTW: Feel free to comment (click on Comments) and ask Emily question. She has her hours every day from 8-10 a.m. where she answers questions.
Dear Emily,
You look so lovely! I have a question--have you ridden on the Autobahn yet? Is it true there are no speed limits?
Your friend in NH,
Dear Emily,
Is it cold or warm in Germany?
Have your grandparents helped to change your diaper?
Do you read the German paper daily, yet?
Bloggers need to know these things.
PS Avoid the Autobahn. Stick to your stroller.
While you look stylishly casual in that picture, your look is quite serious. Are you in Germany on business or are you just taking the folks to see Eurodisney?
I know, it's all the way in Paris, but sometimes you have to indulge the parents or they get cranky.
Seriously, do you have any adventures planned besides seeing family? Have a great time!
Hello Emily! You look like you might have done some growing since the last time I saw you.
Here is my question--have you been helping your parents get around by using your amazing bilingual skills?
They might need it :)
Have a wonderful trip!
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