Am gleichen Tag verpasste ich den Rekordsieg der deutschen Fußballdamen gegen Brasilien und bin jetzt völlig unentschieden, für welches Land ich 2027 bei der WM auflaufen soll.
Anyways, der Tiefpunkt war für meinen Papa am Dienstag erreicht. An jenem Tag spielte CF Barthelona in Stuttgart, das zweite Spiel der
Kein Bitten und Betteln half, es wurde kein noch so kleiner Fernseher auf keinem noch so kleinem Tisch zur Verfügung gestellt. Verzweiflung machte sich gegen 20:40 Uhr breit. Wolfgang und Gitti telefonierten hektisch umher, weitere junge Männer in der Blüte ihres Lebens gingen in den Irish Pub und trotteten etwas bedepperten wieder von dannen. Dann: Ein Lichtblick - die Bahnhofskneipe habe sowohl Platz als auch das Spiel. Also, sprinten wir zum Auto, düsen unter Umwegen zum Bahnhof - nur um kurz vor dem Ziel zu erfahren, dass es dort auch nicht ginge. Panik. Aber die Parkgaststätte gleich gegenüber zeige es und wir können es dort, auf dem Boden sitzend verfolgen. Das war dann das andere Tübingen dort - eher IHK als Philosophiestudium, aber dafür umso netter. Das 0:2 danach: geschenkt.
On Sunday, we went to the Pharmacist World Championship, vulgo Road World Championship. I was admitted to watch it without much ado and doping test after the back and forthing of the previous week. What we saw was that the Code of Honor Voider Paulo B. from Italy won and how the local favorite Stefan Schuhmacher, born in Ruit (!) finished 3rd.
The same day, Germany won the historic Nobody-Can-Score-Against-Us Soccer World Cup. What team shall I play for in 2027 - the US or Germany?
Then on Tuesday, my Papa had to watch the Champions League game Stuttgart-Barcelona sitting on the floor in the Parkgastätte in Tübingen since the Irish Pub decided to have a Pub Quiz that same day.
Mama responds,
OK so Emily asked me to help out a bit with the telling of some of these adventures. First, she wanted me to let everyone know that she had a GREAT time at the bike race. She thought it was really cool to see all of these professional athletes, their support teams, the cool equipment, etc. She knows that doping might be part of this sport but feels that the riders should not be convicted and hung out to dry before there is evidence to prove that they are using banned substances. Second, she wants everyone to know that her speaking and communication skills are rather more developed than the video on the blog suggests. Third, she is having a fabulous time in Germany and will miss her Oma and Opa, Uncle Wolfgang and Aunt Ursula along with Giti, Jochen and her cousin Antonia. She is, however, very much looking forward to moving to DC.
Mama responds (again),
And while it was frustrating to watch Barcelona beat VFB Stuttgart, it was a joy to watch Matthias' face light up when we finally found a pub that was showing the game. Emily wants everyone to know that she is very much looking forward to playing Fussball/soccer with her papa and mama and cheering for VFB for many years to come. Emily also wants everyone to know that she is already in training albeit with a soft Red Sox baseball that her Nanny back in the States bought her. It is quite convenient that the Red Sox and VFB Stuttgart have similar colors for their team logos. It makes life easier.
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