Saturday, March 1, 2008

Just a little bit of me

Hello Dear Friends,

I am tired of the primaries. It is not that I find them uninteresting, rather, I am just overwhelmed by the amount of reading I have to do in order to keep-up with all that is being said by and about Obama and Clinton. I think that we ought to give ourselves a bit of a break and remember that it is important to stop and smell the flowers, or, as I like to remind my Mama and Papa - just stop and enjoy cutie Emily. So, on that note, I decided to share some of my favorite moments from recent times when I have been hanging out with my Mama and Papa. Enjoy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a cutie she is! I definitely agree that Mama & Papa need to stop and make time to enjoy their beautiful little Emily! She's growing up SO fast!!