Monday, June 30, 2008
Woran es nicht lag
It's over, Spain won and we want to know: why?
I was up to speed, having done my research in advance (while Papa was still trying to wake up).
Not sure, but maybe there wasn't enough enthusiasm - I was very very enthusiastic, so it ain't my fault:
For those of you out of the loop:
Spain won against Germany in - what is already called a Klassiker. Well almost. Anyways, the sport is called Fußball, the competition, Europameisterschaft and the place Switzerland and Austria.
And the Austrian Embassy in our nation's Capital organized a fantastic party to watch the final. Before the game started, I tried to practice a little bit and I showed those Europeans how to kick a ball.
It wasn't all sunshine for my Papa though, but he got over it fairly quickly - with this smile of mine.
Whatever it was, it's over and we have to move on. And I can assure you, I don't want to open start this Torhüterdebatte - never mind, my friend Kneeri already did so. Anyways, here is my suggestion for Australia 2018.
Monday, June 23, 2008
My Second Spring Is History
Summer is there and I am back. My spring has been very busy and it’s time to tell you more about it.
After I turned one in April, I took off the month of May to prepare for my big day: my christening on June 7. It took place at Trinity where my Mama went to College. It was hot, very hot but I think I behaved well.
Below is a picture of the christening, more pictures are here.
And then a couple of days later, I was inducted the great American pastime called b-a-s-e-b-a-l-l. I attended a game of the Nationals against the San Francisco Giants. It was still very hot, but I had a ball anyways.
I decided to do my seventh inning stretch in my bed though since it had been a couple of busy weeks before then – and I think my Mama and Papa did not complain too much about that.