It's over, Spain won and we want to know: why?
I was up to speed, having done my research in advance (while Papa was still trying to wake up).
Not sure, but maybe there wasn't enough enthusiasm - I was very very enthusiastic, so it ain't my fault:
For those of you out of the loop:
Spain won against Germany in - what is already called a Klassiker. Well almost. Anyways, the sport is called Fußball, the competition, Europameisterschaft and the place Switzerland and Austria.
And the Austrian Embassy in our nation's Capital organized a fantastic party to watch the final. Before the game started, I tried to practice a little bit and I showed those Europeans how to kick a ball.
It wasn't all sunshine for my Papa though, but he got over it fairly quickly - with this smile of mine.
Whatever it was, it's over and we have to move on. And I can assure you, I don't want to open start this Torhüterdebatte - never mind, my friend Kneeri already did so. Anyways, here is my suggestion for Australia 2018.
Emily, very nice to see how enthusiastic you joined the game! Next time pleace share your enmthusiasm with "Meikl Baellaeck" and his teammates...
Absolutely beautiful picture of Emily smiling!! She's a stunner! :)
Hi Emily, I miss you!
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