Saturday, February 16, 2008

I have been quiet for awhile but not idle. For the last month, while Clinton and Obama have been duking-it-out in primary after primary, I have been diligently developing several key skills: walking and cleaning. The value of the first, walking, is quite clear; I can't compete very well with either Clinton or Obama if I am not able to stand-up and speak directly to them, debate with them, and show everyone how much cuter I am than either of them. (By this point, I don't think the latter is something that needs evidence so I will just consider it a fact.) Please review the video below to see how much progress I have made on the walking front. I think the progress I have made is rather impressive. The other, cleaning, may not, at first mention, seem relevant and/or necessary, though it is. You see, in order to survive in politics, it is necessary to either have a clean closet, be able to clean one out or hide the dirty laundry in one's closet. As you can see from the video below, I know how to clean-out my dresser drawers, and there is nothing dirty in there after I do. I don't know whether Clinton or Obama can say the same thing. (I will leave Bill out of this one.) (Heck, let's face it, with a German papa and a pretty anal mama, it is not possible to have dirty laundry in any place other than the laundry basket.) So, those are the key skills I have been working-on since I last visited with all of you. I hope that all of you are doing great.