Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Oh là là

Finally, winter is over and the most important sign of that is - my birthday. I turned four on Walpurgisnacht and I had my friends over. Well those who could make it and weren't stuck in London for another party that weekend. I also got a visit from a special guest: Rufus. Pictures of my birthday are here.

Before that, we had another birthday to celebrate, though: Oma's. She turned xx (oops, I guess that got censored). Anyways, she had a birthday and Mama and Papa decided it would be nice to squeeze ourselves into an Air France plane and head east. Considering we had a layover in Paris, they also thought it would be a good idea to extend that layover to a week, so we had to spend one week in Paris. Phew, life is hard. Paris in April. Pictures of that trip are here.